BLOCK Technology: Isolator Technology Product List 2023

Discover the cutting-edge product lineup from BLOCK Technology in the latest PDF product brochure for 2023

A BLOCK Technology Brochure

BLOCK Technology presents a selection of state-of-the-art isolators and clean room equipment tailored for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare sectors.

Dive into detailed information about BLOCK’s Weighing Isolator for API/HAPI handling and personnel protection, the Sterility Test Isolator for precise sterility testing and product safeguarding, the Glove Tester for reliable glove integrity assessment, the Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Generator (Puriter) utilising BLOCK’s patented vaporization method for surface sterilization, and the VHP Decontamination Lock, a rapid H₂O₂ decontamination material airlock.

The brochure includes detailed technical specifications for the following products:

Weighing Isolator
This isolator is designed for work with hazardous materials and is used for personnel protection. The main utilisations of the isolator are for weighing, sampling and handling hazardous materials.

Sterility Test Isolator
This isolator provides a high degree of product protection being handled in aseptic conditions. The main task is performed in the working chamber where sterility testing of final products occurs.

Glove Tester
The glove tester is used to test the leak tightness of gloves in oval flanges. This testing is specifically performed for isolators and microbiological boxes.

Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour Generator – Puriter
Surface sterilisation ensured by BLOCK’s patented method of vaporization using hydrogen peroxide liquid. Puriter is designated for the sterilisation of interior surfaces utilising liquid hydrogen peroxide.

VHP Decontamination Lock
Material airlock providing rapid H₂O₂ decontamination. Frequently used as a pass-through to transfer material between rooms with different classes of cleanliness, whereas material must be decontaminated before entry into the room.

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